Stéphanie Saadé
Logic Remains
2014 - 2017
Found electrical cables, new cables
Dimensions variable
Found electrical cables are reproduced. Old and new are joined as pair.

Rodrigo Hernández
Finally free
Papier-maché, wood, metal lacquer
71 x 50 x 2.5 cm

Stéphanie Saadé
Logic Remains
2014 - 2017
Found electrical cables, new cables
Dimensions variable

Paul Hage Boutros
Prosthetic Love
Book publication (book one)
25.4 x 17.7 cm
The work documents all the iMessaging between the artist and his partner for a period of five years and is divided into two books.

Vittorio Santoro
Good-Bye Darkness, V
Venetian blind (250 x 120 cm), suspension devices, steel wires, black steel base (30 x 60 x 60 cm), light bulb with base, electric cord with plug
Dimensions variable
The suspended venetian blind rests partly on a rectangular black steel base.
The base comprises vertical slits on two of its sides through which rays of light escape. They stem from an electric light bulb invisibly placed in the interior. The measurements of the base echoes Concrete Tape Recorder Piece (1968) by Bruce Nauman.

Ange Leccia
Autoportrait à l’atelier
2016 (archives 1994)
Video, sound
6 mins 32 sec

Paul Hage Boutros
Composition: Rimbaud
Handmade paper
21 x 16 cm
Five poems by Arthur Rimbaud are sculpted into a single handmade paper.

Stéphanie Saadé
Thin Ice
Diamond, gold mount
Dimensions variable
A real diamond is inlaid in the floor of the gallery. The visitor inadvertently walks on it.

Dala Nasser
It’s Only A Party if You Sniff It
Marble dust, trauma blankets, liquid latex
240 x 220 cm

Ismaïl Bahri
Video, HD video, color
8 mins

Charbel-joseph H. Boutros
Night Cartography 2
Blanket, dreams, fire
Dimensions variable
In his Night Cartographies, Charbel-joseph H. Boutros uses a blanket for one night, which he then burns in a slow and delicate manner, transforming it into a round-shaped territory, or a hole to capture dreams.

Installation view
L - R
Left: Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, Night Cartography 2, 2017, blanket, dreams, fire, dimensions variable
Center: Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, Night Cartography 1, 2017, blanket, dreams, fire, dimensions variable
Right: Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, A4, 2016, ashes of an A4 paper on white wall, dimensions variable

Installation view
Charbel-joseph H. Boutros
Ashes of an A4 paper on white wall
Dimensions variable
An A4 paper is burned, transformed into ashes, and then pigments, all the pigments derived from the A4 are then applied by hand on the wall, creating a new and wider landscape.

Installation view
Vittorio Santoro
Something Looking and Feeling Generic… (April – May, 2017)
Pencil on paper, time-based text work (1 ½ months)
250 x 120 cm (unfolded)
Part poetic expression, part semantic experiment, Santoro’s text drawings are imbued with a sense of time passing: the mental and physical effort required in retracing the same sentence everyday for between one month to two years.

Installation view
L - R
Left: Stéphanie Saadé, Logic Remains, 2014 - 2017, found electrical cables, new cables, dimensions variable
Center: Paul Hage Boutros, Prosthetic Love, 2016, book publication (book one), 25.4 x 17.7 cm
Right: Rodrigo Hernández, Finally free, 2017, papier-maché, wood, metal lacquer, 71 x 50 x 2.5 cm

Installation view / Ghosting of beings and worlds

Installation view / Ghosting of beings and worlds