Stéphanie Saadé
Light grey socks of all sizes (from 0-1 months to size 42), thread, powder-coated metallic shelf
size of installation: 13 x 29 cm
A pyramid is formed out of socks of all sizes sewn together, embodying the growth process.
Re-Enactment FR/ Eiffel Tower
Eiffel tower, white powder-coating
size of installation: 15 x15 x 27 cm
An Eiffel tower is presented dismantled, as seen in a Parisian kiosk, taking an unexpected erotic connotation.
Word Count
Book page, permanent marker
23x14 cm
Each word of a poem by Michel Bulteau is measured in centimetres and its size noted underneath
Terre Pourrie
Found snail shell, “Terre Pourrie” pigment, powder-coated metallic structure
Size of installation: 3x3x12cm
A hollow snail shell is filled with a pigment called “rotten earth”.
The Encounter of the First and Last Particles of Dust
Old carpet, embroidery
333.5 x 336.5 cm
The carpet of the room which the artist occupied as a teenager, from 1995 to 2001, is torn off and embroidered with the 18 most significant trajectories underwent during this time span.
The Sky is a Village
Printed photographs left outside
115 x 95 cm, 78 x 115 cm
Pieces of sky taken from childhood photographs are scanned and enlarged to the size of the artist’s studio’s windows. Left outside, the marks left by the rain, wind and air reactivate them today.
Last Duel
beech tree wood and wylam wood
4 x 4 x 200 cm
Two different essences of wood forming one same bar are burned at their ends. The difference between the woods can only be noticed where the wood is not burned